Health, issues, Spiritual


BitternessI feel strongly led to share this. Some of us are bitter against God and we do not know it. I want you to read this and subject your deep thoughts to God so He can expose those hidden pockets of darkness that can mess you up big time.

We all understand what bitterness is, and of course not the bitterness arising from the taste buds, but that of the heart – that destructive human emotion that can corrupt your spirit the way pride can. Let me quickly explain so I don’t assume everyone knows what it is.

Bitterness is the ‘deep seated’ feeling of hurt, hate, anger, or resentment that resides in the heart of a person towards another due to actions or inactions by that other person or group of persons. It is deeply seating within the reins of the human soul, and that’s why you can get yourself to believe it isn’t there. The problem with bitterness is that it is a destination you arrive at and cannot honestly tell how you got there, except you are careful to sit and review the journey from its start.

Hebrews 12:15 states that “Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.” The Bible refers to bitterness as a type of root.
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