

Praying for and about “Destiny Helpers” have become a major prayer point among believers. It supposes that there is someone who God has appointed to play that role in your life in helping you attain your destiny.

This uncanny disposition by many believers is one of determinism and control, where someone holds the access meant for others and must be prayed into alignment so that they can receive what rightfully is theirs. 

While it is true that God will often use and always uses other persons to be a blessing, we must note that it is entirely a divine prerogative. You and I have no power to assume that God has appointed someone to be a “destiny helper”. It is not even consistent with scripture.

The only authoritative statement upon which we build our faith is what Jesus says about who will help us attain our destinies; The Holy Spirit. It is the only personality that carries the nomenclature of “helper”. John 14:16-26,  John 15:26, John 16:13-15.

If you are a part of God’s Kingdom, you already have “The Helper” living in you. It has its assignment properly spelt out and cannot be distracted with other things like human helpers are. It is to guide you into all truth, reveal the mind of your creator, and show you things to come. It will even help you pray accurately Romans 8:26-27.

You can still pray about your human destiny helpers. I’m sure it’s okay. I just want to show you a higher way.

All you need that pertains to life and godliness has already been given to you (1 Peter 1:2-3), so it is best to go on a discovery and find the Help God has released to you. If you ignore that help and search for it outside, you will pierce your heart with many sorrows and disappointments.

So whenever you lift up your heart and eyes in prayer, let your focus be solely on the one who made heaven and earth (Psalms 121:1 and  124:8). Let Him decide how He chooses to help you. Your heart will find true rest in this.


4 thoughts on “DESTINY HELPERS

  1. You nailed it, bro. In the name of pentecostalism, many have brought up different angles to push narratives outside the bible on others. Sadly, this crowd mentality is not helping much.

    Only God can help us. The holy spirit is also an everyday helper that guides and leads God’s children in the path they should go to succeed.

    Thank you for sharing this post.

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